The GVGC serves as the voice and advocate for the global video game industry on video games and well-being.
We are a coalition of national and regional trade associations representing innovative and creative video game publishers and developers from around the world. The GVGC seeks to cultivate a dialogue with public health policymakers about the mental, physical and social benefits of video game play and the industry’s long-standing commitment to responsible game play.
To learn more about the data and research supporting the benefits of play and video games, please click here.
Explore How Video Games Foster Social Connection and Community. Download here.
The GVGC serves as the voice and advocate for the global video game industry on video games and well-being.

We are a coalition of national and regional trade associations representing innovative and creative video game publishers and developers from around the world. The GVGC seeks to cultivate a dialogue with public health policymakers about the mental, physical and social benefits of video game play and the industry’s long-standing commitment to responsible game play.