Nearly 1 in 3 people enjoy video games around the globe.
Video game play provides immersive entertainment, brings joy and connection and can enrich overall well-being. The world’s leading video game associations founded the Global Video Game Coalition (GVGC) to raise awareness of the positive impact of video game play on players of all ages and to demonstrate the industry’s long-standing commitment to promoting fun and responsible game play.

Nearly 1 in 3 people enjoy video games around the globe.
Video game play provides immersive entertainment, brings joy and connection and can enrich overall well-being. The world’s leading video game associations founded the Global Video Game Coalition (GVGC) to raise awareness of the positive impact of video game play on players of all ages and to demonstrate the industry’s long-standing commitment to promoting fun and responsible game play.
Benefits of Play for Health
Billions of people around the world play video games. The biggest benefit of playing video games is simply having fun. The power of play also provides numerous other benefits for players, including:
Enhancing Well-Being
Enhancing Well-Being
Video games provide stress relief, relaxation and mental stimulation. They also provided an important source of comfort and enhanced mental wellness during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Bringing People Together
Bringing People Together
Video games build a sense of community by allowing players to investigate, compete and solve problems together. Video games also provide virtual socialisation and engagement and offer connection regardless of one’s physical location.
Boosting Physical Health
Boosting Physical Health
Video games offer new forms of physical fitness activities, expand healthcare treatments such as physical therapy and pain management, and boost cognitive abilities.
Explore How Video Games Foster Social Connection and Community. Download here.

Responsible Game Play
For more than 25 years, the video game industry has provided tools and information to players, parents and caregivers – to encourage video game play as part of a healthy, balanced lifestyle.
Empowering Players, Parents and Caregivers:
Virtually all video game devices provide settings that help players, parents and caregivers to decide what works for them and their families. Control settings also allow players and families to:
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Responsible Game Play
For more than 25 years, the video game industry has provided tools and information to players, parents and caregivers – to encourage video gameplay as part of a healthy, balanced lifestyle.
Empowering Players, Parents and Caregivers:
Virtually all video game devices provide settings that help players, parents and caregivers to decide what works for them and their families. Control settings also allow players and families to: